Kruti Dev 041 Bold

Kruti Dev 041 Bold is a Bold TrueType Font. It has been downloaded 16963 times. 8 users have given the font a rating of 4.88 out of 5. You can find more information about Kruti Dev 041 Bold and it's character map in the sections below. Please verify that you're a human to download the font for free.

Preview of Kruti Dev 041 Bold
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Kruti Dev 041  Bold  is a  free  Open Type  Font  that  can be  downloaded  and used in your personal and commercial projects. This font is part of the Kruti Dev Family which you can find here .

This font is intended only for the personal use, free download. No donation or any kind is expected from you to download this font. It’s just a matter of time before we have to pay for our creativity, but till then it should be free from any financial commitments! The complete license details are available here , which you must go through before using or distributing a copy of the Font Software.

Font Information

Font Name
Kruti Dev 041 Bold
Font Style
Font Type
Font Embedding
Font Tags
Number of Glyphs
Font File Size
37.8 KB
Total Downloads
Font Rating

Character Map

Character Map of Kruti Dev 041 Bold

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